The Latte Art Throwdown League 2016
Across the globe from EP Headquarters, tucked in Petaling Jaya Malaysia is a group of passionate barista’s known as The Latte Art Throwdown League organized by Kuala Lumpur Coffee Collective.
On January 11th at 8pm at Mollydookers Coffee, the 2016 group began competition. The league hosts 16 contestants, 6 rounds at 6 different cafes! Prizes included some killer gear from Espresso Parts, a sponsored farm visit, cash, custom made pitchers and gifts from the venue partners! Be sure to follow the event as Double A Cafe will host Round 2 in 17 days.
Baristas go head to head. Pictured above, this crazy custom dice is thrown and the barista’s must poor the art indicated by the luck of the roll. Judges pick the cappuccino with the most well executed art and the winner moves on.
The Latte Art Throwdown League is fueled by nothing less then an intense love and care for their craft.

Espresso Parts is always excited and willing to support passionate baristas worldwide by sponsoring latte art throwdowns and others craft focused events!
Keep in touch on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to be in the know about EP sponsored throwdowns.
Big love to all our friends in Malaysia and baristas around the world!