Espresso Parts truly believes in the power of the Triple Bottom Line; People, Planet, and Profit! Over the past few years we’ve taken great steps to improve the overall health of our company and the people that make Espresso Parts great! We’ve been fortunate to offer a very robust employment package to our Espresso Parts Family, which includes; Full Medical Coverage; Full Dental Coverage; Full Vision Coverage; Full AD&D Coverage; Extensive Paid Time Off; Paid Holidays; Living Wages; Bus Passes; and Product Discounts. While we are proud to offer this coverage we need to do more. We must ensure a healthy Planet for our employees and families to thrive for generations to come!

Espresso Parts is directly responsible for creating approximately 150 Tons of CO2 annually! This estimate includes the following emission sources; Office Emissions and Office Paper; Fleet Vehicle and Employee Commuter Vehicle Emissions; Business Travel and Hotel Emissions; Inbound Shipping Emissions; Outbound Shipping and Packaging Material Emissions.
Starting this year we are excited to announce the great steps we will be taking to help reduce and offset our carbon footprint! We are improving the following practices and supporting these projects which are designed to help enhance energy efficiency and restore natural habitats in our community;
- Espresso Parts now buys Green Power. Through Puget Sound Energy we buy electricity from independent clean-energy producers right here in our region. These businesses generate electricity from wind, sun, biogas and other renewable sources.
- We support Solar Roadways . No more power outages, ever. No more need to burn coal (50% of greenhouse gases). Less need for fossil fuels and less dependency upon foreign oil. Much less pollution. Long term advantage: an electric road allows all-electric vehicles to recharge anywhere: rest stops, parking lots, etc. They would then have the same range as a gasoline-powered vehicle. Internal combustion engines would become obsolete. Our dependency on oil would come to an abrupt end.
- We support New Energy Cities, which partners with small- and medium-sized communities to achieve significant greenhouse gas reductions by 2030. By working with communities to set and attain quantifiable carbon reduction targets for buildings, transportation, waste management, and carbon storage, we are catalyzing replicable models of city-led clean energy innovation.
- We support The Northwest Biocarbon Initiative, which elevates the essential role that natural systems play in reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. By galvanizing the region’s emerging biocarbon community to develop strategies that increase natural carbon capture and build a vibrant restoration economy, we are positioning the Northwest as the nation’s leading incubator for bio-carbon solutions.
This is our effort to ensure a happy healthy future for the Planet and our people! We encourage you, our suppliers, customers, industry colleagues, and friends to reduce your impact or help offset what you cannot reduce through local and regional organizations like;
Fun Facts;
- Annually we recycle approximately 40,000 lbs of corrugated cardboard, 9,400 lbs of co-mingled recyclables (office paper, plastic bottles, and metal cans) and 1,000 lbs of various scrap metals.
- Luckily, even our trash goes to a Green facility! Roosevelt Regional Landfill is a state-of-the-art operation. Each year, Roosevelt creates enough energy to power more than 20,000 homes by capturing and converting methane gas from garbage to electricity.
- Over 50% of our staff avoid single occupancy commuting. We have 3 regular bicycle commuters, 2 regular transit riders, 6 regular carpool commuters!
- All Espresso Parts shipping materials are recyclable, reusable, or compostable. Plus we offset the carbon it takes to ship your order! No joke!
As always, thank you for your support and continued patronage! Cheers to our continued success in creating an environment that supports healthy People, Planet, and Profit!
~Espresso Parts Family